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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Potty time!!!!!

Today was our first FULL pay of pting!!! She did AWESOME!!!!!! No pee accidents..and one poo accident but that was daddies fault. I was in the shower and asked him to watch her...well XBox was more important. BLAH!

Anyways, she ran naked most of the day, and did a pull-up when we had to run to the store. We bought her some princess undies! 

Let's hope everyday goes as good as this one. She was telling us when she had to go. When we got home from the store she put on her undies and my friend Erin was holding her eating some chips. Well Hay goes, Potty and jumps down off her lap. Erin pulled her undies down and she went the potty!!  She did that about 4 times today. Other than that, I'd ask her if she would try for mommy and she would and 9 times out of 10 she would go, even if it was a little bit. 

YAY For my big girl!!!!!!!!


  1. YAY!!!

    Aria is not doing so well, she'd much rather have a diaper on, and she hates her potty. Trying to find an elmo one for her to like is not easy.

  2. Woo hoo! Congrats on PTing! We need to get Ivy caught up, somehow, hehehe.



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